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APIs & Web Services Development

Would you like to know how APIs can help your business?

Every organization relies on different type of systems and applications to run its business, and most of these applications are developed by different vendors and do not communicate or share information with each other’s. And many new business opportunities are lost due to this problem. At Alpha Solutions ME, we will help solving this problem by developing custom APIs and web services that integrate almost any kind of services togethers.

Our skilled and talented team of API developers believe in offering the highest levels of services to all clients regardless of the nature, size or volume of their business. Our API developers have a vast knowledge of object classes, data structures, cloud architecture solutions and other essential API routines. This makes API development process seamless, helps us offering the highest levels of services by integrating scalable and robust solutions to all clients regardless of the nature, size or volume of their business.

Whether you are looking for internal or external APIs, our developers will recommend the best technology (SOAP/HTTP, REST/JSON) needed to complete your project whether it’s for mobile apps, web based services, cloud computing or legacy systems.

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APIs & REST Development

It’s all about connecting the right dots!

We connect three main services, combined with global expertise, local practices and the understanding of the Gulf culture to create award winning solutions.

UX Branding

Understanding your business objectives, along with the culture and psychology of your clients, will define the right branding that result in improving conversions, increasing engagements, and deliver a worthy experience to your client.

Digital Communications

Digital communication is now fundamental to any communication strategy, and your audiences expect a more connected approach. At Alpha Solutions ME, we will chose the right channels to achieve the best engagement experience and ROI.

Enterprise IT Solutions

Customized enterprise IT solutions are required to back up your branding and communications strategies, It offers the opportunity to interact directly with your audiences, often in real-time, in highly innovative and engaging ways.